Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction/ tooth removal is one of the treatments we perform at Dentalnook. However, be rest assured our aim is always to save your tooth to the best possible extent. Only when there is no other choice, we suggest a tooth extraction.


In certain cases, you do need a tooth extraction. For instance:

  • Badly decayed and damaged teeth that we cannot save
  • Deciduous/ milk tooth that hasn’t exfoliated/ fallen on its own but permanent tooth has come in its place
  • Tooth extraction for orthodontic treatment/ dental braces
  • Troubling wisdom teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Tooth in wrong places

Badly decayed and damaged teeth that we cannot save

For instance, fractured teeth due to failure to place the crown after RCT. You might be aware that after RCT/ Root Canal Treatment, we need to place the crown soon. Otherwise, the tooth fractures. The fracture will be such that we might not be able to save the tooth.  

Deciduous/ milk tooth that hasn’t exfoliated/ fallen on its own but permanent teeth has come in its place.

Sometimes it so happens that it’s time for the deciduous teeth to shed and permanent teeth to erupt. But, deciduous teeth don’t fall whereas, permanent teeth erupt. In such cases, you need extraction so that the permanent teeth get rightly aligned, and you have a beautiful smile!

Tooth extraction for orthodontic treatment/ dental braces

When the teeth are misaligned, you opt for orthodontic treatment. To align your teeth back in place, especially when the teeth are crowded, we need to extract certain teeth.

Loose teeth

Teeth can be very loose due to a gum and bone disease called periodontitis. If the disease is in the initial stages, we can restore your teeth back to normal. However, if the disease has progressed a lot and if you are not willing for related treatments such as surgery, you can get the loose teeth extracted and replace them with permanent options such as implants. 

For more details on periodontitis, refer to our article on periodontitis. 

Troubling wisdom teeth

Third molars are also known as wisdom teeth as they erupt later than other molars. These days, most of the people have troubled wisdom teeth. Either it is decayed badly or not aligned with other teeth or causing other troubles such as cheek bites or pressurizing the adjacent tooth and causing pain. In such cases, it is advisable to remove third molars. Anyways they don’t help much in any functions, including chewing. 

Tooth in wrong places

Sometimes, teeth are in the wrong places, for example, palate, and are troublesome. 

We can help you get rid of all types of unwanted/ troublesome teeth without pain. 

We start with taking a thorough dental and medical history that includes:

Any medicines that you are taking, any health condition that you are suffering from, whether there are any diseases in the family, any allergy, or any planned surgery.

We proceed to an X-ray of the tooth. It helps us assess the condition of the tooth, its shape, length, the number of roots it has, and the condition of the surrounding bone. 

Then, we gently inject an anaesthetic medicine that numbs the area of the tooth. If you are anxious about the injection, we can use a local anaesthetic gel, so you won’t even feel the pinch of the injection. We let you rinse your mouth with water after the injection. Local anaesthesia begins working after a couple of minutes. At Dentalnook, we ensure it is a painless procedure throughout. 

If needed, we give IV/ Intra Venous sedation too. IV sedation keeps you calm and relaxed. 

Once the anaesthesia starts working, we separate the gum lining with an instrument called the elevator and extract the tooth with special forceps.  

Sometimes you may need surgical extractions too. For example, the tooth is within the gums or a fracture below the gum line. We have experts who can handle complicated dental surgical procedures too. 

We suture if there is a need. We usually call you after three to five days for suture removal. 

Before extraction

  • Remember not to smoke before extraction. 
  • You can have food an hour prior to extraction. 
  • Plan to take a day off. Do not suddenly jump into your routine, especially after the dental surgery. 
  • Remember to discuss your medical conditions and the medicines you are taking with your doctor.
  • You can get someone to accompany you for driving if it’s a dental surgery. 

Post extraction instructions

  • After dental extraction, we place sterile gauze in the place of extraction and ask you to bite on it. It applies pressure over the site, prevents bleeding, and helps in forming a clot. You have to keep the gauze in place at least for 30 minutes. 
  • Do not keep spitting. Otherwise, it may dislodge the clot. You might be aware that any wound, including extraction, heals with clotting. 
  • Immediately after the extraction, you can start applying ice over the cheek area for ten minutes each time. It prevents swelling and pain.  
  • After an hour of extraction, you can have some cold milk or ice cream without nuts or crunches.
  • Have only healthy liquid food for the first 4 to 5 hours, but remember not to use a straw. You can gradually start with soft, bland food.
  • Do not bite anything from that area. 
  • Do not smoke at least for 24 hours, preferably for three days. Smoking delays healing and causes complications.
  • Do not have anything very hot for three days; it can delay healing. 
  • Have your medicines on time; they help in recovery. You will be fine within two to three days. However, if you have severe pain, swelling, or fever after two or three days of extraction, call us. 
  • After three days, you can gargle with salt water if needed. 

During the follow-up visit, we can discuss the replacement options for getting your smile and chewing efficiency back. 

At Dentalnook, we have some helpful, long term options like dental implants too. Call us today for more details. 

Troubling wrong position of the tooth, aching wisdom teeth, etc., qualify for emergency tooth extraction Auckland, NZ.

Tooth extraction in Auckland comes with the guideline of not smoking before extraction, eating anything within an hour before extraction, and also take good consultation before extraction.

Tooth extraction in Ponsonby recommends applying ice to the cheeks in regular intervals; spitting time must be avoided to avoid dislocation of the clot, no biting from that area, and regular medicines.